#Pinktober Beauty Faves
We’re well into Breast Cancer Awareness Month, commonly known as ‘Pinktober’, but there’s still plenty of time to raise awareness and show support for women affected by this disease. In addition to purchasing ribbons from the Cancer Society of Jamaica, running for the cause at the various 5K wellness events, and purchasing from companies that donate a percentage of earnings to fund research, Tuesday Style Dryer (TSD) encourages women to ‘pinkify’ their beauty routines. From blush-toned nails, to cotton candy pink hair, and rosy eyeshadows, TSD says, think and shop pink!
Pretty, delicate, and refreshingly muted, we cannot get enough of the BB ‘Prim An Propa’ nail polish from local brand Bella Beautique.
Soft pink-pearly lips from Gabby Glam Cosmetics — a Jamaican woman-led company committed to donating part proceeds of all October sales to the cause? Sign us up!
Pink eye make-up is another beautiful way to show your support. Get the look with Playing In Makeup By Yolonda Particle Peaches mini eyeshadow palette.
We know the TikTok favourite EOS Vanilla Cashmere Body Lotion has all the girlies in a chokehold, but our go-to lotion for #Pinktober is Strawberry Dream!